Adjuvo - Highway Solutions
Working Safely
FROM £65

Who should attend?

Working safely is in the interest and concern of all staff – both the employers and employees. Although most of the legal duties fall to the employer, Health and Safety law is one of the few pieces of legislation that places duties on the employee as well. There are three reasons for managing risk at work that bring benefit for all concerned – moral; not causing harm to work colleagues, legislative; the law requires it! – And finally financial; all accidents bear a cost to both parties.

Workers have an expectation to go home at the end of the working day not having been injured by any workplace activity. Most workers feel that accidents are something that only happens to other people. The reality is that too many workers are coming to harm by not observing Health and Safety laws and not working to safe systems of work. That’s where our working safely course can help.

The course covers why we should work safely, defines hazard and risk, identifying common hazards, improving safety performance and protecting the environment. Training is a big part of changing attitudes towards taking risks in the workplace and can make a real difference.




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"I have used THE HALO a few times for night inspections on a highway with no street lighting and it worked great, it gives off a lot of light and It fits good on my safety helmet.

Even another roadworker which worked 100-200meter from me, came to say to me that it looks good and it is was so visible and striking from that distance.

Over the next few months I have other inspections of a lot of culverts (concrete pipe that goes underneath a highway) where it is really dark, THE HALO will be perfect for this to keep me safe."

Vincent Wolbers, Civil Engineer, Netherlands